Current Affairs

Inauguration of EPI Center at BHU Angara Goth in Karachi

EPI stands for the EXPENDED PROGRAMME OF IMMUNIZATION. EPI in Pakistan was established in 1978. Its establishment purpose is to develop and expand immunization programs all over the world to vaccinate children. So they can better protect themselves from diseases.

Inauguration of EPI-Center in Karachi

EPI in Pakistan

Inauguration of Expended Program of immunization (EPI) was held in Karachi on 12th August 2021. Department of Health, Govt. of Karachi collaborates with World Health Organization (WHO). In a meeting, experts said Pakistan was battling with low-level coverage of vaccination with Sind standing at the bottom of the ladder.

Prof. Raze is the director of the National Institute of Child Health. He said vaccines are available free of cost at EPI centers. Without vaccines, epidemics of many diseases could return.  Parents could get their children vaccinated and save them from unnecessary suffering. Awareness in people about the availability of vaccines at EPI-center is poor. 17pc of deaths in the under-five age group were due to the negligence of vaccines. Polio cases had been reduced by the 99pc from 300,000 per year.

Program On Immunization

In 1984 WHO established a vaccination schedule for the EPI vaccine. They made vaccines for many of the diseases. In 1999, the Global Alliancefor vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) was created for improving Child Health in poor countries. The launch of programmed has been carried out by the province itself. The program facilitates the provincial health departments.

Immunization Program contains complex components ex: – Transport for the delivery of vaccines, Awareness programmers for uneducated people, Monitoring of health workers, etc. In some areas where health facilities are available the implementation of programs is easy. But in the areas where health facilities are not available, the implementation of the program is difficult.

EPI Schedule In Pakistan

EPI schedule aims to vaccine the children from birth up to the 15th month. People are encouraged to vaccine their children through government teams who visit homes from street to street. Vaccination work condition is going great in Pakistan and all vaccination is provided free to the children.

  • Measles
  • Diphtheria                                EPI Schedule in Pakistan
  • Hepatitis-B
  • Childhood Tuberculosis
  • Poliomyelitis
  • Homophiles
  • Mumps
  • Tetanus
  • Flu


It is a viral infection. It involves the respiratory system, including lungs and breathing tubes.

LOCATION: – It is situated in spite. It spread into the air when someone cough or sneezes.

CAUSES: – Measles can cause pneumonia, death, and brain swelling.

 After the invention of its vaccine death rate of Measles patients reduced.


It is also a viral infection of the nose, throat, and lungs.

Location: – It is located in spite. It can spread through coughs, sneezes, or talk. It can spread even if the person touched the sick person.


It is a viral disease that affects the muscles.

Location: – It is located in the intestines. It can spread through a sick person’s feces.

Cause: – It can cause brain infection, death, and paralysis.

The vaccine for Polio is available. Polio is minimizing in most countries.


It is a liver disease.

Location: – It is situated in the blood and body fluids. It can spread through sexual contact and sharing the same needles during injecting any dose.

Cause: – It can lead to liver cancer.


Covid-19 is the latest and new viral epidemic that spread in the entire world very rapidly. It Destroys the economy of several countries. Initially, the government of Pakistan announced a partial lockdown in the country. People were motivated to strictly obey the SOPs. Later with the second wave of Covid-19, the Challenges of Covid-19 were well controlled. Now Pakistan has gotten the vaccine for this epidemic. It is a viral infection of the nose, throat, and lungs.

Location:  It is located in spite. It can spread into the air through cough or sneezes. It can spread if a person can touch a sick person. It can cause death. The vaccine is prepared.

The health facility in Pakistan is much better than past. The vaccine for every disease is available free of cost.

Nizam UD Deen

Nizam Ud Deen has started his professional carrier in 2014. He is now a CEO and Founder of an IT Firm "ORM Group of Services". He is working as a Digital Marketer in IT Field.

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