Pakistan ArmyPakistan News

Pakistan Army Helicopter Crash Kills 26

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  • Pakistan Army Helicopter Crash Kills 26

PESHAWAR, Pakistan — A Pakistani Army helicopter slammed in a northwestern tribal range that is a Taliban stronghold on Friday, in such manner no less than 26 Pakistani warriors and paramilitary contenders were killed.

As indicated by the military the helicopter had specialized issues, and a few Pakistani security authorities said it was conveying an excessive number of individuals, yet Dawn TV detailed that nearby authorities said fear-based oppressor had shot it down.

One security official likewise said over the awful climate may have added to the crash.

The security authorities, who talked on state of lack of clarity, said that despite the fact that the official number of those murdered was 26, 41 individuals had kicked the bucket.

Pakistani army lost many trops in offencive talibanThe Pakistani military has lost many troops in offensives against the Taliban, and the crash — which the specialists said therefore murdered three officers — is dreadful news for the armed force, regardless of whether aggressors were included or not.

It comes as the military is secured recharged battle with the Taliban and is getting ready for what is certain to be a troublesome, full-scale hostile in South Waziristan.

Prior to the day, a few occupants in South Waziristan revealed what they said was an assault on an activist preparing camp by an American automaton that killed no less than 13 individuals.

A Pakistani knowledge official, who talked on state of obscurity, affirmed the assault in Mazarai Narai yet they said eight individuals had kicked the bucket.

large portion of the deadThe inhabitants, who were come to by telephone and asked for lack of clarity as a result of security concerns, said a large portion of the dead had all the earmarks of being aggressors. The United States habitually withholds remark on speculated ramble assaults; there have been no less than 40 since August.

A ton of South Waziristan, and the territory of the helicopter crash, in Chapri Ferozkhel, close to the outskirt of the Orakzai and Khyber tribal locales, are controlled by powers faithful to Baitullah Mehsud, a Taliban pioneer blamed for planning a portion of the deadliest suicide assaults in Pakistan as of late.

An administration official said the flying machine that was lost Friday was a vehicle helicopter. Helicopter gunships have been shelling the range in the course of recent weeks.

Nizam UD Deen

Nizam Ud Deen has started his professional carrier in 2014. He is now a CEO and Founder of an IT Firm "ORM Group of Services". He is working as a Digital Marketer in IT Field.


  1. The Pakistan Army helicopter crashed at Peshawar last time. 26 people died in this crashed. Zartash is a great website and providing latest news about Pakistan. Best wishes for Zartash Pakistan.

  2. Last time the Pakistan Army helicopter was crashed. It was a very traumatic event. Nearly about 26 people died in this accident. Thanks for sharing your post.

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