Current AffairsPakistan

48th OIC CFM Meeting

Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)

“The organization of Islamic Cooperation(OIC) is the second largest inter-governmental organization after the United Nations, with the membership of 57 states, covering four continents.

The OIC is the collective voice of Muslim world to ensure and safeguard their interest on economic social and political areas.

The OIC has institutions which implement its programms. Its Headquarter is in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Pakistan Hosting the Meeting

Islamabad, March 19(APP): Pakistan was all set to host the upcoming meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) of Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Islamabad on March, 22-23.


The 48th summit will be convened under the theme,

 “Building Partnerships for unity, justice and development.”

OIC-CFM Meeting

While talking to media, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi  said that,

“It was an honor for Pakistan to host the OIC_CFM meeting on March 22-23, within the period of few months after the successful hosting of an extraordinary meeting of the OIC-CFM last year.”

He said that the OIC official would keep arriving on March 21. He said citing the Palestine issue and Kashmir issue, the latter had assumed significance after the India’s unilateral and illegal steps of August 5, 2019.

The two-day session is a significant one as it is being held at an important phase when the Ummah is confronted with a host of  Issues”

Global Challenges under Consideration

Global Chalenges under Consideration

Other global challenges that would come under consideration are:

  • Economic contraction and its fallout
  • Climate changes

The OIC foreign Ministers will also discuss Developments in

  •  Yemen
  • Libya
  • Sudan
  • Somalia
  • Syria

More than 100 resolutions would be considered during the two day session.

Issues Highlighted

During the extraordinary session of OIC-CFM, Pakistaan had highlighted the following issues;

  • The situation in Afghanistan and its upcoming meeting
  • Kashmir issue

The Pan-islamic group OIC in a statement said,

The session will address many topics and activities of the OIC general secretrait on implementing the resolutions adopted on various issues in the Islamic world, icluding the issues of Palestines and Al- Quds.”

The session will coincide with the 75th anniversary celebrations of Pakistan’s Independence.

American Issues

Many American issues will also be on the summit’s agenda, including

  • The situation in mail
  • The Sahel region
  • Lake Chad
  • The situation in Central Africa and Republic of Guinea

Invitation to the Guests

Pakistan has invited the guests to attend Pakistan day on 23 March and witness the professional capability of Pakistan’s armed forces and the traditional floats of all the provinces, reflecting the national unity.

The foreign ministers from the member states of OIC would also deliberate over the Afghan issue as the country was facing serious humanitarian and economic crisis.


For OIC CFM meeting, the Parliament House was selected as the venue, where the plenery sessions will be held.

Pakistan—Proud History of Hosting OIC Events

Pakistan had a proud history of hosting most of OIC events including Summits and Council of foreign Ministers (CFM) meetings. The country hosted the 2nd OIC Summit in Lahore in february, 1974. An extra ordinary OIC summit was held in Islamabad in 1997, on the occasion of

Pakistan also hosted the OIC CFMs on Four occasions:

  • 2nd session on December, 1970
  • 11th session in April 1993
  • 34th session in May, 2007
  • The 1st and 17th extraordinary Sessions were held in Islamabad, in January 1980 and December 2021, respectively

Eisha Siddiqui

Eisha Siddiqui; A passionate researcher and a specialized current affairs' analyst whose focal point is to provide the best researched data on every upcoming event in Pakistan and enjoys exploring outstanding outcomes by deep analystic strategies.

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